I love the takeaway that power/authority (and dare I add, tradition) is not a defense. I see so many arguments that rest on that majority/history/dominance argument and it's just so weak but remains convincing for so many.

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I also very much love David Bentley Hart, but preface my recommendations by saying something like, “The thing is, he’s VERY confident about his positions, and sees no reason to pretend otherwise, AND has anticipated the inevitable ‘citation needed’ attacks.”

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I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before, but your piece on hell from a few years ago was what pushed me to begin reconsidering my views on it, and ceasing to believe in hell has been so freeing! It’s been the aspect of deconstruction that has most strongly impacted how I interact with others, and has put me in a place where I’m much better able to just be with people because I’m not trying to “save” them.

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You had me at “sarcastic theo bro energy...”

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